Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day What A Feat

Mother's Day was never one of my happier moments. When the kids were being raised I had to constantly fight to have my children. When they got older I relied too much on them to be the ones, grown up, to just show the appreciation that I guess I remember me doing for my Mom. Of course I only had one Mom that didn't have to competite with an overdemanding stepmom.

Several years ago I actually tried to test my children in allowing them to plan something for me. It turned into somewhat of a disaster. I swore after that I would no longer have a mother's day it was too painful. I even swore I would leave town so I didn't have to feel so bad.

This year I took it as casually as I thought I wanted it. I didn't even think about it. Friday before that Sunday came and my oldest said "Mom, me and the kids would like to come up and see you for Mother's Day tomorrow. I thought great, its going to be one of those we are going to show up and you either spend the money or do the work while we are their visiting.

By Friday afternoon I had to really step back and try to think this out. My oldest daughter is a very good Mom, she has three little ones that are very good children. She has just gone through a lot regarding medical and financial bills and so to ask or to assume anything more would happen was wrong of me. My youngest hasn't been lucky enough to be a Mom yet, but I wanted her to be part of my life for one very pleasant day. The year before she wasn't even talking to me, so this year was a celebration that we were back together. If it meant me pulling it together like most Moms would do, so be it. Motherhood sometimes seems so painful, but I wanted my daughters around to celebrate Womanhood.

I initially said to my oldest that what I wanted was to go shopping and maybe out to lunch. I even had to re-evaluate that as well. Why go shopping when none of us had any money. Why go to lunch when most menus didn't really facilitate my diet, and then I would have to juggle three little ones in a restaurant and pay for it all too.

So I started whipping together all of my recipes. Knowing my son-in-law wouldn't be there, why not pamper my daughters and I and give to them what they really like. So we had a mini gourmet lunch just at home.

Seafood cocktail
Butternut Squash Soup
Stuffed Porkchops/Applesauce/grilled Asparagus
Upside Down Pineapple Cake
Chocolate Cupcakes for the little ones along with chicken nuggets/yogart
(Did I say it was all gluten free)

They loved it and seemed really appreciative of me doing it. Sometimes you have to work at being a Mom just to know they love you.

I would have loved having my son there, but again I know that he is busy trying to provide for his wife and child. I will soon have to call for lunch with him when he isn't so busy.

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