Thursday, July 7, 2011

F____ Doctors

Oh I lost my peps on that title didn't I. Well let me tell you, after this week and several months of dealing with idiot doctors I have come to the conclusion that there are very few of them that really care, they are so tired of dealing with the insurance that they rush patients through to get enough money to pay for the malpractice insurance and they might yet have a major malpractice case from me.

At the beginning of the year I finally came to the conclusion that I needed to call an orthopedic specialist to deal with the pain in my neck. Well after making several phone calls I soon realized that they all don't deal with the neck and there really isn't anything they can do than send you to physical therapy which actually only gives you temporary relief and then it runs your money out and you are still at square one. Plus getting an appointment was like three months out, WHAT ABOUT THE PAIN, it would have been easier to check into the ER. One doctor's office was like a patient mill, another doctor's office barely gave me enough information to move to physical therapy, the pain doctor told me at the appointment that he could help, but as I was laying on a guerney going into surgery, he said this might not work, and one doctor finally gave me some answers and the time he spent probably dipped into his other patient's time.

I soon felt thereafter that I needed to deal with my stomach issues and try to get some answers there. I had told my friend of the experience I had with my past doctor. I loved the doctor, but after the colonoscopy and the endoscopy, he moved me to his PA (Physician Assistant) which I learned down the road that she gave me several wrong answers. But that wasn't good enough the PA sent me to her A (Assistant) which had no answers and it took me days to get a hold of her. So my friend sent me to her supposed personable doctor.

Oh it is so good that I took a couple of days to actually write this, because two days ago I was spitting. Every other word would have been a foul word, at least now it is usually just one in a paragraph.

I wanted to be prepared with a whole sheet of questions, I didn't really care if I had long lengthy answers, I just needed an answer. Well my first mistake was I had been out in my yard for three days gardening and by the time I saw him I was exhausted. I just needed one of these doctors to listen to my questions and answer me and I guess I got a little emotional. So when I started asking my questions, I started to cry. I wasn't upset that I had celiac disease, but that I was tired of dealing with doctors and just frustrated. He obviously took it that I was upset about the disease and dealing with my issues. Now being away from his office, I want to scream, I am not in the state of denial, and your an idiot not to investigate why I was crying than assuming, you are an a__.

You know as a grandmother I have learned, if you swear in front of your grandchildren you totally discredit yourself, well I figured with the maybe two people that read this entry, they can just ignore this entry. The grandchildren probably won't even care to read it until they are over the age of 21.

So while I was asking this idiot questions, he kept saying I think you need a support group, I think you need to see a dietitian, he kept repeating himself, I told him that I had a support group at work with a few people that have celiac disease. He didn't buy it. He was talking a mile a minute and if he wasn't saying I need a support group and dietitian, he was ripping off like he knew his medical Black's dictionary better than most and wanted to prove it to me. Now really do think I just understood your 15 minute lecture of the day, dumbass. Now looking back I just realized that everytime I said celiac disease I think he got upset because he was either trying to correct me with the correct term, "celiac sprue," or he was too impressed with himself. Too bad on both parts.

So as he was walking off out of the office like I had the plague or of course he had to get to the next patient for that big money, I said to him, do you want to take some blood tests. He said "not really I will after you're done with the dietitian, now truly do you think the dietitian is going to know what my count is on my celiac (oh sorry celiac sprue) or how much wheat I have been eating, another assumption on his part.

I had to laugh one of the questions I had was "I want to go to Paris and how much damage will I do if I am tempted with croissants in Paris and just want one and I eat it." His answer was if you can tolerate it and it doesn't make you sick, go ahead eat gluten, enjoy yourself," Now does that really answer the bloody question. I am not intolerant, I have a disease, will it cause problems down the road, obviously by his answer, go ahead and eat whatever you want, whenever you want as long as it doesn't hurt. So I hit the bakery on the way home, not because I can or should, just because he is an idiot. Of course it will hurt me in the end more than him, but right now I didn't give a shit, I was pissed.

Another question was "my stomach seemed to have gotten blotted overnight and I am retaining water. " The doctor replied, "I am sure you are eating too much wheat." Now truly does wheat retain water, and make you sick when I didn't even know I had the disease until I got sick with gastritis and this seems like the same pain with my stomach with the gastritis and the fatty liver." No answer, what a surprise on that one.

The best question was, "we'll I ever get over the gastritis or can this turn into cancer." The idiot doctor said, "I have never heard of anyone getting cancer from gastritis." And I am thinking that is not what the Mayo Clinic wrote on the Internet. Hmmmm, what a dumbass.

I think I only got through a couple of questions, and I could tell he was tired of me and wanted that next 15 minutes on his paycheck, and I was tired of his arrogant, superficial, and pretty much stupid attitude. He wasn't giving me any answers, and he wasn't patient enough to listen to the rest of the questions.

I have to laugh every time I meet someone like him and I want to say, you are waiting for a lawsuit. My father was slowly over many years had his intestine removed and eventually on a bag. Could it have been celiac disease ("sprue" sorry), probably.

Why cannot I just have a fulfilling 15 minutes without an arrogant asshole to deal with. This is why the insurance system is basically stupid. I have paid (essentially through my insurance) four doctor opinions that either too busy, too important, too something else and got nothing out of them, but they received close to $600 for each visit. Now who is the stupid ass, me for going, or them for being them, right now I am re-evaluating.

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