Friday, July 8, 2011

Blue, I think I will paint the ceiling Blue

I have to laugh every time I think of this conversation I had with my friend. It was several years ago, we were all sitting around having dinner before the girls went to the movies and she throws this out, I am sure not realizing the impact it would have on me. Now mind you at this point in her life she hasn't had a relationship for awhile. She said "you know if I had only known the last time I had sex it was going to be the last, I would have tried to enjoy it more." Not only was that statement funny then, it has been hysterically funny since.

When you get older and a little bit less physical from either lack of exercise or ailments, you really realize that life is not going to turn around and make you be younger. But it also makes you realize that you truly need to appreciate every moment, not just the good times, but the bad times as well.

A co-worker has just got a diagnosis of 4 stage cancer. She has all the hope in the world, she is only 45, and I am sure she knows this diagnosis isn't hopeful in itself, but if she isn't hopeful she may not turn anything around on her own. Why do wait for us to get so sick that we start making the effort of enjoying life.

Every time I got out in the yard, even though I despise weeds, I have to appreciate them because if I didn't appreciate the gardening the time spent out in the yard grooming it, maybe I wouldn't appreciate the flowers as much. Yes would I rather appreciate a Gardner more, probably, but right now I must appreciate me, of what I can do.

Everything even the smallest of things seems to be work. The enjoying parts of my life sometimes seem even more work. I am about to have a camping weekend with my friends. We don't have the luxury of having someone come in and do the whole weekend for us and we just have to make the appearance, no, it will still be some work on all of us. But you know I hope I really take the time to appreciate every minute with my friends. Those are what create memories.

Life is grabbing those small moments and just really enjoying it.

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