Friday, November 19, 2010

Separation Between Heaven and Earth

Now before you think I have lost it, and I am giving my predestination of going to the other world, I really am not. I also can't see to the other side either, so believe it or not I am not a psychic. After watching a numerous amount of shows I am not sure I want that power, but it would be interesting for a day, maybe that is how I would win the lotto.

I have to drive up and down a canyon to go to work and sometimes, especially with the change of the seasons, I will be in the canyon at the right moment when the sunset or sunrise aren't quite a sunset or sunrise. It will have this iridescent hue on the walls and I feel like I have gone into the Twilight Zone and no one else is quite there with me. My surroundings seem so unreal and even though there might be cars and activity around me its like I am living in a movie that really isn't real.

I know that this must be that mere, maybe 5 minutes of the day that God really wants us to wake up and he'll say "yes this is what I created, pay attention." I am sure God wishes we woke up more times than just the 5 or 10 minutes each day to really realize of all the beauty on this earth, including ourselves was created by him and that we should take care of it.

Since I got sick I have realized not only the advantage of how healthy I really was before, I could eat anything and never have a problem, until now where some days I am not sure I can make it through the day in some of the pain I am in. God created us and this earth so we could know the difference between good and bad in all things. I definitely know when I am feeling really good. I am definitely not advocating suicide or even the intention of suicide, because I truly believe that we must live out our time here on earth to know the good, you may have to go through the hell to get there, but there is good around us. But can you imagine that mere 5 seconds that it will take to pass from this world to iridescent heaven above, where there is no pain, where there is no thought of wondering if I am going to come on to evil or suffering anymore, but only joy and a peace.

I bask in that 5 minutes in the canyon when the opportunity hits, because I know God is watching and telling me "wake up and appreciate it."

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