Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Star Trek Therapy

Star Trek was one of my many favorite shows when I was a kid. At my age I was really a baby when that series was on, JK. You would think that after all of this time that Capt. Kirk would be there for me, I was there for him everyday. You would think after all of this time that medical science would come up with better ways of treating patients. I remember that ship would have a simple medical scanner that would go over your body, you would lay on a bed and some how miraculously become healed. THAT'S WHAT I WANT.

After coming back to work and talking to several co-workers regarding almost the same symptoms, I cancelled my acupuncturist appointment and is heading for destinations that I really don't want to be in, back into the medical rat race.

I talked with a coworker and she said she spent 5 years, 3 doctors, 1 acupuncturist (including my acupuncturist), a masseuse, and many physical workouts to have one final doctor tell her that it was carpel tunnel syndrome and the only thing that would help is an operation.

After dealing with my gastro doctor, I realized this world is turning into a medical wasteland. The physicians join these group organizations that have a million doctors in them, with a million more staff. You never really talk to the doctor, you don't even talk to the physician's assistant, you get the staff that basically barely knows what your symptoms are, little alone the cure. They don't read the file before calling you, and they have this pat answer for everything. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY.

I shouldn't complain since I work for one of those large company's with a million attorneys, with a million more staff supporting them, and we have those pat answers for everything. Our attorneys specialize usually in one field of law, they no NOTHING, and I mean nothing regarding any other field of law, which is good and bad for the client. You get the top expertise for what the client directly wants, but heaven forbid if they sway from the topic, because then that attorney is swimming to find the next expert for the next subject.

I guess it's better than having the country hick doctor or attorney assisting you when their knowledge is even more narrow. Oh well.

So what did I do, I took the young and stupid route, I came to work, went directly to my computer, plugged into Youtube and put in Carpel Tunnel exercises. Zasam, a million vidoes of physical therapy at my finger. Update on self-diagnosing, self-physical therapy, and self-treatment of my ailments later.

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