Thursday, April 8, 2010


Since this is my diary I guess I can talk about anything, but I will try to stay on the subject at hand. I would really like to vent about how bad drivers can be in snow. When semis are pulled off the road because of bad conditions you would think that regular drivers would slow down and give others plenty of room. It is the little cars that think if they are going just fine that they won't spin out and make a 50 car pile up, now really people.

Okay back on point my celiac. I went with some friends the other day for again sushi. For right now I find sushi is probably one of the easiest things to find in a restaurant for me to eat. Everything is fresh, there isn't too much wheat and all of the sauces that it comes with, you usually can ask for it on the side or delete from the meal altogether if you find out it has wheat.

So when we arrived at the restaurant I immediately said do you have a gluten free menu. Sometimes I feel, what is the word "weird" doesn't cover it, "disabled", not really, "embarrassed" sort of but not right on. It just seems strange to ask for a GF menu and especially when they are extremely busy. Luckily we went for a late lunch and there was hardly anyone in the restaurant so the help was way accommodating. He immediately brought the menu and then we discussed soy sauce, he said they had some gluten free soy sauce and would bring it out.

When he came out he had to excuse himself that he had to run down the street to the store to buy me some soy sauce. I had to laugh, how many restaurants would actually do that for you, especially for one loony broad (do they really say broad anymore), sorry to all of those women activist, I meant loony woman.

Then because it was my friend's birthday, he brought out a beautiful piece of bread pudding and said because I couldn't eat the dessert the restaurant was willing to pay for my sushi roll. Now do you just have to laugh.

10 years ago when celiac disease was just being realized in the medical community little alone in restaurants if at all, they wouldn't have given you the time of day.

I have decided that I was born in the right time and that things do happen for a reason. If I could change anything for anyone in my future regarding this disease it would be that every product would have on the front of the label, not on the back (what a hassle) to indicate in big abbreviated letters GF, or DF for diary free, or SF for soy free, or NF for nut free. Now truly people how hard is that. And that every restaurant would have a gluten free menu so that individuals know safely what to order.


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