Friday, May 14, 2010

I Will Survive - Creative Baking

Okay I must admit I have been only GF for a couple of months. I actually love reading all of the great blogs out there that have been in this problem longer than me. It truly helps. It still doesn't solve a lot of my problems, the frustration of eating out, the frustration of failed cooking and baking items, the frustration of having to look at labels on a constant basis, just the basic frustration of knowing I will have this for the rest of my life.

But I am getting better where if I am sitting in the restaurant I have come down to an acceptance point of knowing 99% of the menu I can't have. When I am in a grocery store I look past all of the items that I use to love, and just accept they are never passing my lips again. When there is a party to be had, its going to be at my house, because it is easier than dealing with someone's very conscious or unconscious effort to please everyone including me in the group.

In the last several years, of course like everyone else, money has been really tight. I refuse to go into debt because it is too hard to pay it back. So I have tried to make every drop of liquid, every morsel of food, and every ingredient last as long and as creative as possible.

My daughter has been living in my basement apartment. Now I don't mind this until I see her wasting food. So who stole the bananas from the kitchen down below, I did!!! So this weekend has been dedicated to creative baking. Even if they are failures at least I tried and didn't just throw away the bananas. I must admit I have way past due oranges and apples, so who knows what will become of them.

My one daughter said Mom you didn't eat this many baked goods before you went GF, the other daughter retorted back to her, "mom just wants to be able to know what recipes are good and what will work for everyone that comes to the house."

I am quite surprised that instead of going against GF and just eat whatever I want inspite of the pain and agony, I have stayed with this diet. I truly intentionally have not had any gluten since the beginning. Now I will also admit I have gone off of my other diet for the stomach and liver a few times, but I am trying. I am also surprised that I have taken this as a challenge and actually tried to make my cooking and baking better. It has been hard.

I will survive.

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