Friday, November 14, 2014

Extraordinary Year - Thanksgiving 2014

You find a sense of gratification when everything seems to be working good.  I can't say everything went perfectly this year, but it was pretty great.  Gary and I visited all of our children in all parts of the nation.  Saw all the grandkids.  All the kids and grandkids are doing pretty well in their life.  You know you didn't really do anything to get them there, other than be their parents, and sometimes that's pretty hard. 

We love all 12 children and 16 grandchildren, and one on the way. I am so thankful for them and of course my husband.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Its a beautiful day to clean house.

I have been thinking about names or words of songs, names of books, cliches, and its interesting where they pick them up from.  So many of them come from old slangs or comments.  The other day I was watching a movie and the couple was sitting out on the balcony and they looked up into the sky and said "its a beautiful day".  What do you consider as a beautiful day. 

So many times in our lives we make that same comment and usually it is said while we are sitting on a patio, the air is just perfect, crisp and clean, the temperature is just right, not to hot, not to cold and the sky is usually a cloudless day, maybe even a gorgeous sunset.  When you get older that statement starts to become even more profound in our lives.  A beautiful day could be that we are at peace with ourselves, with our own spirituality, with our family, with our conflicts. 

I agree that I have said that so many times sitting on my patio enjoying the environment and lately I have felt a peace with myself, may it be of the life I have led, a sense of peace within my own relationships, may it be with my husband or my children or just with the day to day challenges. 

I sometimes wonder if that will change as my grandchildren get older, a little more independent, a little more wilder, a little more struggling and I see what I went through in their parents' faces.  Will I relive that or will I find a peace that I know my children will get through it just like I did. 

For many years as I saw my children grow up, it was hard to see them go through what I went through.  I know I will have challenges and an opportunity for regrets in the future, but I find myself realizing that the life I have led in the past, full of regrets, have come around with a statement, "but you learned" from those regrets and that was the most important lesson. 

Another cliche I love is "lets clean house."  Of course you can take that literally, which I really try not to get to carried away with cleaning my house, or you can take it figuratively.  I had regretted so many relationships that I gave up in my past.  Even a good friend said that she had to come clean with the friendships that she stepped away from with her friends.  I had to laugh, I thought there is a definite reason why anyone steps away from a relatively good relationship.  I usually don't just jump off of the relationship train without really thinking it out. 

Shortly after this visit with my friend, I heard a radio disc jockey say, sometimes you have to "clean house" with friend relationships to keep your own self doubt, your own mental capacity in a "good state of mind."  Of course those relationships can always come back, but after listening to my friend's reunions with conflicts, I decided more than likely not. 

Just don't get me started on "let's have a come to Jesus meeting."  I could tell you stories...

The best thing about cliches, they were born many generations before mine and if you only listen to what they have to say you can learn a lot.