I have never been one for tauting my love for my husband, especially on our anniversary, it seems so cheesy when I read of someone doing that, isn't that sort of private, I don't know, I'm old fashioned. I remember my mom and dad's anniversary, which I think it is sort of odd too. Why would I remember something that they celebrate, maybe because I had parents that stayed married unlike I. Well since no one really reads this blog, I guess it is sort of personal, even the hubby won't read this blog. I will be dead and buried and someone will find this and read it and say, "that is what grandma... really felt about all these issues." Dah maybe if you had been hearing me all of these years you wouldn't be surprised.
Well just so you know it is my wedding anniversary, I don't even know which one it is, maybe 15th or 16th, to the third husband. I guess the other two don't count since I did divorce them, shouldn't you celebrate the divorced dates, that should be a happy moment in my life, but I don't. Happy Wedding Anniversary, hubby. See no one replied back honey, it really is between me and me.
The funny thing though I went to work and told them we were going away for our Wedding Anniversary and we started analyzing husbands of how they are today versus years in the past and what do we really look forward to. When you are first married you beg, plead, argue and disagree with your husband of what his true calling is in this relationship. Picking up a few dishes would be nice, vacuuming, what a concept, do we have it for laundry duty for the husband, we do until he shrinks all of your work clothes and you realize your dry cleaning bill is better for your sanity.
If only our daughters and younger sisters realize that this is a growing process. You can't revamp any husband over night, so after many days, weeks and months of arguing, they start changing. You hope they change for the better of the relationship, not the worse. Now after many years of being together you think it would get better, yes it does get better, but worse in many other ways. Now my husband would say it, "I only think of you." Now I have told him many times, he is definitely not thinking of me, in fact I can say he is actually lying. For whose benefit you ask, for his. Now he is helping out with the dishes, when he wants to, he does vacuum when he would rather take that task then hear me yell, and he does do laundry because I refuse to do it. Grudgingly. Now seriously, am I going to split hairs here. Take the help I get (grudgingly), or don't. Hmmmmmmmm that one is a tough decision.
Would he say something else if he was writing this, dah of course, grudging comes hand and hand with yelling. I yell, he grudges, I yell, he grudges, on and on and on. That is what they call a marriage.
I will say one thing for my wonderful (but grudging husband), since I got sick, my husband has been so much more helpful and loving. He has tried to help even in a grudging voice, which when you really think about it isn't his fault, he is a husband. So what I say to all of those newbie wives, just accept the grudging, its better than nothing at all.
Happy Wedding Anniversary, to my husband!!!!